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4 Minutes to More Love in Your Life: Love Week Day 4

What do most people do when they want to feel more valued, appreciated or at peace with people who work for them? Most people ask (or wish for) the other person to give them more love– in the form of effort, respect, or appreciation.

What do happier people do? Instead of searching for how to make others love them, they find reasons to love others.

Finding more reasons to love others is what Love Week is all about. Today is Day 4 of Love Week, bringing inspiration to flow more love… in 4 minutes.

Love Note of the day:


Photo and quote, "I can feel my love for you even if you aren't loving toward me."
From my eBook: What I’d Say if You Wouldn’t Roll Your Eyes


Love Song of the day:Twist and Shout (The Beatles)

Love Question of the day: What do you love most in the people who work for– or serve– you?


Share your answers (and mine) on Facebook!


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